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This past week (the week of July 7) Hugh was once again happy to be invited to teach classes at the Rufus Porter Museum in Bridgton, Maine. Vinegar wood graining and antique finishes were the topics. The list of guest teachers was much greater this year and Hugh was honored to be included with notables such as Ron Bourgeault (guest speaker), Linda Lefko, Sandy Howe and many others. Nelle Ely acted as Hugh's assistant for all three classes.
The students were fabulous (and more plentiful this year, increasing from 4 last year to 24 this year), creating many wonderful finish samples and frames to take home. Have a look at some of the students and their work in the extended post:
Here you see much variety in the student's work, and Briana, a museum intern working feverishly with a feather. A couple of Rufus Porter miniatures from my collection now reside (for this season) in the museum.
Next year I hope to add a class on freehand wall decoration which has the look of stencilling without using stencils.